Friday, November 29, 2019

Camp Recount

Planning space: 
  • Orders of activity: Balance Island, Rope Maze, Kayaking, Confidence Course, Rafting,
  • Archery, Team Building, Go Karting, Waterslide
  • Delicious Food/Mac n Cheese’, Nachos, Burgers & Fries
  • Favourite Activity/Least Favourite Activity
  • Conclusion
  • Who I shared a cabin room with
  • Camp Concert Item
  • Going on the waterslide
  • Meeting new friends from Saint Therese
  • Playground/Flying Fox
  • Names of Teachers: Miss Paton, Miss Dale, Miss Virginia, Caroline, Miss Goodia,
  • Camp Owners, Mal
  • Principal: Miss McDonald (principal of Saint Therese), Miss Kopua (Principal of CTK)

Start writing here:      
 Finally, at last, it was the night before camp and I couldn’t sleep very well because
I was just so excited. I woke up in the morning feeling very excited. I woke up so
early that I woke up before anyone else. I was so excited and when my Dad came
in and saw me awake he wished me to have a good time and to be safe and not
to go anywhere alone or where you weren’t allowed to go. I was ecstatic but sad
because It would be my first time going to camp and not seeing my parents for
three days and two nights. Dad dropped me off at school with my big Adidas bag
and my tiny one. I was with my brother, little sister, and cousin. My other cousin
was coming with me because he came to the same school and was year 6.
Some of my Aunties and Uncle’s were there wishing me and my cousin the very
best and to have fun. My cousin (Astyn) and I were so excited to see the fun
activities at camp. We waited until everyone got here and we had to go over a
couple of rules in the school hall before we left. Miss Goodier, one of CTK’s
teachers went over the rules.

After she gave us the rules were were allowed to play around for a little while
we waited for more people to come. It was time to go on the bus. When I got on
the bus, I sat in the very front. I wanted to see where we were going and what the
camp looked like. We went to Chosen Valley Christian Camp. I said bye and
waved as much as I could to my Aunties and Uncle’s. We thought the windows
were tinted because they weren’t waving back but they did eventually. The bus
took off with our big bags at the bottom of the bus in a container compartment.
I was waving really fast because I wouldn’t be seeing them for over two days.
The bus left the school. Elina and myself were so excited to be going to our
first camp. I knew I would miss my family and cousins, but I knew I would have
fun and finally see what nature is actually like instead of staring at a computer
screen playing video games and watching Netflix and YouTube. The drive took
30 - 45 minutes max. I tried to fall asleep after playing Yellow Car with my other
friends on the bus, but I couldn’t because so many people were talking.

We arrived at Chosen Valley Christian Camp and all I could say was that it was
beautiful. So many fun activities to do. When we got out of the bus we had a small
assembly with Miss Kopua. She told us what cabins we were in. I was in cabin
number 13 with myself, Meron, Toakase, Anna, Athena, Huia and Galila. Melita
was supposed to be there but she missed out because she was in Wellington at the
time. Cleo also missed out because she was in Sydney, Australia. I couldn’t believe
what the outside of the camp looked like. It was like a whole theme park at a camp!
We finished the assembly and met up upstairs. The camp owner Lyndon introduced
himself to us and mentioned a few rules. We had a tour around the camp site. The
first activity we were introduced to was the Balance Island which was lead by Miss
Paton. Next was the Rope Maze which was also lead by Miss Paton. After this we
were introduced to Kayaking led by Mrs Kopua, Rafting led by the principal of Saint
Therese Mrs McDonald, Confidence Course which was led by an ex deputy
principal Mrs Dale. We also saw the waterslide which we weren’t allowed to go on
until Thursday, as it wasn’t properly set up. 

We were then introduced to Archery led my Miss Goodier one of CTK’s teachers.
Then Team Building with Miss Virginia and Caroline her sister, and then other fun
activities such as go carts and more. 

We had another assembly under a tree that gave us so much shade because it
was hot out. I was in group one with people from my school that were at camp
including my cabin roommates. We first started off with doing Balance Island
Involved water, dirty water. So I changed into my swimming clothes. I got there
and what we had to do was stand or crawl on a wobbly bridge that moved A LOT.
Then when you got off the bridge, you had to balance on a rope. You held onto
another rope that was on top of the rope you were balancing on. When I did that I
held on for dear life, hoping not to fall on my first activity because that would be
embarrassing. I couldn’t believe this but I managed to do it! Miss Paton did offer
for me to jump where she was on the Island but I said no because I wanted to
complete the challenging one. I did do it but then after I had to do the Rope Maze
while everyone else in group one was doing the Balance Island. I did the Rope
Maze and then we had to move on to the next activity, Kayaking. 

I didn’t like kayaking very much because it tires your hands and when you paddle
on the other side then water leaks onto your legs. The water made me want to itch. 

I got into the kayaking boat and I started to paddle. I was lucky that I had a life
jacket on in case I fell in, and guess what...I fell in. ON PURPOSE though. I
wanted to see what the bottom felt like and I now regret that. When I stood up,
the ground felt like poo but it was mud. After kayaking we finally had dinner.
So I took a shower and we had a timer for under 5 minutes and that was way
too short for me. I like to take my time in the hot/warm shower just relaxing but no.
We had to have a timer set. I got changed and I was so embarrassed because I
still had soap in my hair by the time the timer went off. I was so embarrassed that
I was late to dinner. I kept brushing my hair and found soap ON MY BRUSH. So
I tried drying my hair with a towel. I couldn’t go back in the shower because
someone was still in there and plus it was stinky in there. 

I went up to the cafeteria for dinner, 5-10 minutes after trying to fix my hair but it
didn’t work. So I just went up there with my hair tied up and ate. We had roast
chicken with vegetables. We finished dinner and dessert. I went back downstairs
and my hair dried. When I took my hair out...I couldn’t even explain it, there was
soap all over my hair tie and my hands. It was getting dark outside and Mrs Kopua
told us to have quiet time for a little bit because we were going on a bushwalk. 

We had the bush walk and when we were walking up my legs were so tired from
walking so much. Then we went through the gate and there were cows
everywhere and lambs. When we got up and rested, we were all amazed at the
beautiful view. I met a girl named Shana and I loved her hair. The teachers took
photos and we all looked at the beautiful view upon us. I looked at the nature
that was around me and appreciated how beautiful it looked. 

We arrived back at the cabins and we all had to go sleep. I couldn’t sleep very
well because I was sleeping in a sleeping bag. My sleeping bag was comfortable
but it was just that it was so hot to the point where I was sweating throughout the
whole night. I woke up in the middle of the night because I couldn’t sleep because
of the heat. Then I fell back asleep by just staring at the wall. 

It was the next day and we had lots of activities to do. I brushed my teeth, washed
my face and got on with the day. I couldn’t believe it when I found out the first activity we were doing for the second day was the Confidence Course! I was excited but nervous because I heard there were tadpoles, dragonflies and a HUGE EEL IN THERE! I didn’t think I could do it but I HAD to. So my group and I walked to the Confidence Course. We started and for some reason, my friend Ana and I made it to the end of it. We got to go on to the next level! I didn’t do it because I had to soak my hands in the water. I didn’t care about the dragonflies and tadpoles, I just thought about rainbows and unicorns and pretending that there wasn’t anything in the water but there was.

We finished the Confidence Course and I actually wanted to do it again for some
reason. I did fall in more than 3 times but it was fine. 

After we completed the confidence course we did rafting. Rafting was really fun.
We made the raft with bamboo sticks, big gas bottles and ropes. After making it, I
was the one sitting on the ‘raft’. I sat on it and I thought It would completely sink
but I was wrong about that. After that, we got to go on a REAL raft but this time
the whole group had to go on it. Reyna and Toakase fell in together but it was
kind of funny to see their reactions. 

After this we did Archery. Archery was fun. We did it with Miss Goodier. I was
left-handed and she was right-handed but we managed to find out how to do it

After that, we did Team Building with Miss Virginia and Caroline. There were
four stations at that one activity. The first one was balancing on a long log.
The second one was making a bridge. There were different sizes and widths
of the wooden planks and we had to choose one which would fit without
dropping it or else we had to restart. When we made the bridge. One person
had to go to the next one and hold the next person’s hand so they could get on
the same one the first person when on. The third activity was the trust fall.
Everyone had to do it and I was terrified to do it because I thought my group
would drop me. This was kind of fun to do because at school we’re not allowed
to do the trust falls otherwise we would get sent to Mrs office. Virginia
was the first one to fall. We all caught Virginia. After catching her it was my turn
to fall on everyone’s arms. I was so scared because I barely trusted anyone there
except my friends. I did it anyway because I had to. I fell and when I crossed my
arms and fell I looked at the sky and it made me feel like I was skydiving from a
helicopter. I did it and everyone caught me. We had to catch everyone. After
doing the Trust Fall we did Spider Webs. Spider Webs is a game where your
teammates have to help you get through the ropes that look like spider webs
and try not to touch the rope. I was the first one to be held and put through a
spider web. Also when you go through a spider web nobody else can go t
hrough it they can only go in the available ones.

After Team Building we had dinner. For dinner we were having Nachos.
That was the best dinner I have ever had during camp. I’ve had Nachos
before at home but it wasn’t like the Nachos we had at camp. At camp the
Nachos were amazing. They had steamed vegetables with iceberg lettuce
and, grated mozzarella. After dinner we got dessert. For dessert we had
ice cream with a wafer on top. There was also an apple and berry pie with the
ice cream. The pie was beautifully cooked and was the perfect temperature,
it wasn’t too hot and it wasn’t too cold. When I took a bite it was amazing.
The taste was sweet and warm. After dessert it was getting quite late and we
had quiet time before getting to go on the waterslide. I forgot about the waterslide
and had a shower. When Toakase told me about the waterslide I was shocked. I still
decided to go to the waterslide. It was time for the waterslide and I was dressed
for it. We went outside by the waterslide. There was a long line so I only went for
one turn. The waterslide was very nice. I wore a lifejacket just incase...People kept
pushing in front but I didn’t get involved because I thought it would just make drama.

The waterslide was very fun. The pond was a good temperature. When I slid
down the slide Virginia and Mal had a rope. We had to hold on the rope and
they would swing us down the slide. I was in the water and Miss Goodia was
down there to make sure everyone was okay. I climbed up the ladder and went
to my cabin to get my toiletries and took it to the shower. I finished showering and
it was warm. I dressed up and just sat on my bed. It was night time and we all
had to go to bed. I fell asleep. It was the morning of the last day of camp. I was
excited to be leaving because I was going to be able to see my parents/family.
Everyone was awake and we had an assembly about lost property things. I did
lose my Mum’s hat the day before but after the assembly I went to check the
lost property and found my Mum’s hat there. I took it inside and packed my bags.
After the cabin room was empty I went back in there just to make sure I didn’t
leave anything else there. There was nothing left in the room so I grabbed my
big bag and my small bag and headed out of the cabin. I went outside and
waited for a couple of minutes. Everyone was outside from the girls cabin rooms
CTK. We waited until the cabins were vacuumed and cleaned out. The bus
arrived and the owner of the camp was giving hugs before we left. We also had
burgers and fries before we left. It was delicious but I still think the Nachos was

The bus driver helped us put our bags into the bottom of the bus. When everyone
was on the bus the bus driver took off and played a movie called ‘Rio’ and we
watched it the whole way back. I fell asleep but I couldn’t because people kept
making noise. We got back to school and as soon as I saw my papa I ran to him
and hugged him. I was so happy to see him after three days. I got my sister,
signed out and got in the car. On our way home we got Maccas. We arrived home
and I saw my older sister.

Camp was a very fun experience. I am excited to go back in two years. I loved the
fun activities that were planned. I hope that when I come back there will be more
activities to do. I had so much fun and loved the food that the chef’s cooked. My
favourite activity was the Confidence Course and my least favourite was
Go-Karting even though I didn’t do it.

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